Mille fiumi ( Classifying the thousand longest rivers in the world )
Alighiero Boetti

The book contains a short introduction, written by Annemarie Sauzeau, referring to its purpose, methodology and incongruence. It has 1,000 pages without an index, each of which contains all the information gathered about the rivers arranged in decreasing order. Ordering and classifying as much information as possible about measuring rivers serves two purposes. On one hand, the scientific tendency to organize and catalogue data based on a smooth and uniform method, and, on the other, the need to highlight the doubts, contradictions and linguist/methodological problems that constantly arise whenever attempting to rationalize a set of data.

– 1971: SeptièmeBiennale de Paris, Paris
– 1974: Alighiero Boetti.Dossier Postale, Tommaso trini, Data n.11
– 1981: Identité Italienne, Germno Celant e Pier Luigi Tazzi, Centre Pompidou, Paris
– 2004 Alighieroboetti Tuttolibro, Giorgio Maffei, Galleria Nazionale d’arte Moderna
-2007: Libri e documenti Arte Povera 1966-1980, Giorgio Maffei, Edizioni Corraini
– 2008: Il Libro come Opera d’Arte /The Book as a Work of Art, Giorgio Maffei e Maura Picciau, Ezioni Corraini




Card with dust jacket, 21,5 x 16 cm, pp.1006, Edition of 300 + 7 H.C.

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